Souvenirs at Sea

September 11, 2020

No cruise would be complete without the opportunity to obtain highly priced mrechandise. A jewelry shop is available in Sleuthhounds: Cruise to seel just such items. Of course, Pureluck Homes, taking the case to pay the bills, and Jane Ampson, being broke due to a failing writing career, aren't in a position to buy the high end merchandise. But looking is free. And there is the discounted case of kitchy items as well.

[The jewelry shop offers a variety of high class pieces in pewter and sapphires.]
The jewelry shop offers a variety of high class pieces in pewter and sapphires.

[And for those of more modest means, there are also a number of value priced souvenirs available.]
And for those of more modest means, there are also a number of value priced souvenirs available.