Meet the Suspects – Edward Noble

February 22, 2019

As Act 3 of Sleuthhounds: Cruise develops, and the final chracters begin dropping into place, it’s the perfect time to introduce another suspect. For this installment of Meet the Suspects we turn our attention to Edward Noble.

[Work in progress walk cycle for Edward Noble.]
Work in progress walk cycle for Edward Noble.

Edward Noble is something of a layabout gentleman. A member of high society, he prefers not to work if he can avoid it and concerns himself with the gentlemanly pursuits of gambling, dining, and wooing young ladies of equal or higher social stature.

Edward sees Sir Price’s new cruise as a lark. Always up for something new and exciting (so long as it’s not some strenuous sweaty pursuit) Edward was only too happy to attend. But does the carefree bon vivant have his eyes on more than just the next buffet? Has he perhaps been getting overly familiar with Sir Price’s daughter? And what kind of phrase is bon vivant anyway?