Mini Mysteries on the Way
June 15, 2018
Work continues apace on Sleuthhounds: Cruise with things shaping up nicely. Even so, the path ahead will be a long one and I still don’t have a projected ETA yet. Between now and then I do want to bring more Sleuthhounds material to the world. The trick is finding something sufficiently Sleuthhounds-y that can be done in a short amount of time so as not to draw away from development of Cruise.
One such idea that will see the light of day starting next week will be a series of Mini Mysteries. To manage expectations, these won’t be computer games themselves but will be individual comic panels that depict a crime scene that Pureluck Homes and Jane Ampson are investigating. Accompanied by a brief narrative, it will be up to readers to solve the mini mysteries. If you’ve ever seen any of the Slylock Fox newspaper comics you’ll have a good idea of how these work.
Mini Mysteries will release here and on Twitter on the 19th, 21st, 23rd, and 25th with the corresponding answers being released the day after for each mystery.
These Mini Mysteries are just one idea I have in mind for new Sleuthhounds material between now and whenever Cruise releases. So be sure to check back throughout next week for a dose of Sleuthhounds sleuthing and keep watching the blog for future announcements.