Every Game Needs a Loot Box

August 4, 2023

It has been fashionable, for some time, for video games to include in-game loot boxes. Boxes that contain, well, loot. Not one to miss out on a fad, I’ve made sure that Sleuthhounds: Cruise joins those ranks and sports a loot box of its very own.

[Hey, there's no lute here!]
Hey, there’s no lute in here!

This particular loot box is more of a lost and found box, as it contains a bunch of items that people have lost and that the Sleuthhounds find when they discover the box later in the game. Between a gold plated pistol, a jewelled necklace, a couple of fancy watches, a mysterious pawn shop ticket, and a good amount of casino credit, there’s quite a bit here to intrigue Homes and Ampson in their continuing investigation.

I’d tell you where to find this loot box but for two things. First, part of the game is about exploration and finding stuff for yourself. And second, the lootbox may appear in different parts of the ship depending on your actions earlier in the game. Don’t worry, though. The loot box is on the game’s critical path, so you won’t be able to miss it.

Side Note: Eagle-eyed readers may note a change to the website today. There’s no more Twitter feed over in the navigation pane. Twitter broke this for, I believe, all accounts. After waiting for a month without even an acknowledgement of the problem from Twitter support, I’ve decided to pull the feed, which I’ve been using to highlight new blog posts here and comic strip releaes from my other site www.cubescomic.com. I’ll shortly be adding my own widget to replace this lost functionality, but in the meantime, enjoy the Zen of the now blank space there.