Toilet Tank Humour

September 2, 2022

One may think the presence of more-or-less modern toilets in Sleuthhounds: Cruise to be anachronistic, but the nineteenth century was a time of change for indoor sanitation. The introduction of such devices hotels was not that far off in reality, occurring in the 1890s. Besides, it's not like the rest of the game is 100% historically accurate either. In either event, Homes and Ampson’s investigation requires them to leave no stone unturned. Or, in this case, no toilet tank left unsearched. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.

[What's that floating in the toilet?  Yep, I went there.]
What’s that floating in the toilet? Yep, I went there.

The intensive online research I did, which lasted all of 10 minutes, failed to produce results depicting the inside of a toilet tank, the part of the toilet players have to search (I had to draw the line somewhere!). I chose then to go with a fairly modern depiction of the interior, both because I had no reference and because I thought it would be more familiar to modern players (presumably 19th century players will lack certain gaming essentials, like a computer).