Captain’s Log, Or Cabin

November 5, 2021

I think it’s become apparent from the number of screenshots I’ve posted, that Sleuthhounds: Cruise is a fairly substantial game. Appearances to the contrary, I actually have taken various stps to reign in the scope of its development. One such step was to elliminate exploring the cabin of Captain Windwhistler. That was good. In theory.

In practice, after removing the cabin I later discovered that it left a major hole in the structure of the game, allowing it to get into a weird state where the majority of Act 4 could be bypassed. After considering several options, I made the choice to reinstate the captain’s cabin, at least in part. There were several game asset intensive sequences originally slated for the cabin. I’ve now paired those back, which keeps the amount of work needed for the cabin to a minimum while also plugging the hole that was left by taking the cabin out entirely. There are a couple of small things that need to be adjusted to account for the return of the cabin, but they’re easily dealt with.

[The captain has a variety of souvenirs from his travels.]
The captain has a variety of souvenirs from his travels.
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