Walk the Walk

June 1, 2018

With my recent Windows 10 pen woes and the work I’ve been putting in to overcoming them I’ve been doing a fair bit of visual asset creation for Sleuthhounds: Cruise lately. My main focus has been on animations as these tend to have the most steps in their production pipeline and so getting my Win 10 laptop into shape to support creating them has been a key goal.

With much of the critical path for Cruise still to be implemented to sort out all the details of the game, I haven’t started work on any specialty, one-off character animations yet. However, I have been working on a number of the basic animations for various characters. Basic animation typically consist of walking talking, and characters raising their arms for when giving an object from one character to another.

Here are a couple of sideways walking animations for two characters in the game, the steward Emmanuel Laybour and one of the passengers Beckers Swift.

[Emmanuel Laybour sideways walk.] [Beckers Swift sideways walk.]
Emmanuel Laybour and Beckers Swift sideways walks.

And here they are from the front.

[Emmanuel Laybour forward walk.] [Beckers Swift forward walk.]
Emmanuel Laybour and Beckers Swift forward walk.